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International congresses and conferences

Navarro, A., Scotto di Covella, F., Cacini, S., Sodini, M., Traversari, S., Venezia, A., Massa, D. 2022. Testing sap-flow sensors to predict irrigation of soilless tomato fertigated with saline water. 31st International Horticultural Congress 2022, Angers (France), 14-20 August 2022.

Gallardo, M., López-Martín, M., Thompson, R.B. 2023. Adaptation of VegSyst-DSS as a recommendation system for nutrient solution composition in greenhouse fertigated, soil-grown vegetable crops. International Symposium on Models for Plant Growth, Environments, Farm Management in Orchards and Protected Cultivation, Almería (Spain), 26-28/06/2023.

Carmassi, G., Cela, F., Stravato, G., Incrocci, L. 2023. Comparison among four different simplified models for the estimation of tomato crop evapotranspiration in Mediterranean soilless greenhouses. International Symposium on Models for Plant Growth, Environments, Farm Management in Orchards and Protected Cultivation, Almería (Spain), 26-28/06/2023.

Sodini, M., Cacini, S., Navarro Garcia, A., Traversari, S., Massa, D. (2023) Modelling leaf area index and water requirements as a function of water salinity in a cherry tomato crop grown soilless. International Symposium on Models for Plant Growth, Environments, Farm Management in Orchards and Protected Cultivation - Horchimodel 2023. Almeria, Spain, 26-28 June 2023.

Aslan, G.E., Karaca, C., Kurunc, A., Buyuktas, D., Bastug, R., Navarro, A. 2023. Assessing the impact of irrigation water salinity on mineral composition in different part of tomato. In: Kaya, Y., Beser, N. (Eds.) Proceedings of the V International Agricultural, Biological & Life Science Conference (AGBIOL 2023), Edirne, Turkey, 18-20 September 2023. pp. 132 -138. ISBN: 978-605-73041-6-2.

Sturiale, S., Gava, O., Incrocci, L., Bartolini, F. 2023. Life cycle environmental impacts of greenhouses cropping in the Mediterranean region. 5th Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration (EMCEI-23), Rende (Italy), 2 – 5 October 2023. T6-VS6. Paper id: 1527.

Bouslama, T., Ben Aissa, I., Mansour, M., Jeder, H., Navarro, A., Laarif, A. 2024. Innovative Greenhouse Support System in the Mediterranean Region: efficient fertigation and pest management through IoT based climate control (iGUESS-MED) - Case study in Tunisia. (EMCEI-24), Marrakech (Morocco), 15-18 May 2024. Track 6. Natural resources, agriculture and the environment. T6-OS4. Paper id: 963.

Bouslama, T., Mansour, M., Laarif, A. 2024. Development and validation of a mathematical model to predict the occurrence of the different stages of the tomato leaf miner Tuta absoluta (Meyrick, 1917) in a context of a proactive Integrated Pest Management Strategy. (EMCEI-24), Marrakech (Morocco), 15-18 May 2024. Track 6. Natural resources, agriculture and the environment. T6-OS4. Paper id: 964.

Pardossi, A., Cela, F., Incrocci L. Carmassi, G., Navarro, A. 2024. Using sap flow sensors for estimating tomato transpiration in greenhouse soilless culture under different salinity conditions. 1st International Symposium on Protected Cultivation, Nettings and Screens for Mild Climates, Athens (Greece), 23-26 September 2024.

Pardossi, F. Cela, G. Carmassi, L. Incrocci. 2024. A decision support system (DSS) for estimating tomato growth and mineral uptake in greenhouse soilless system. 1st International Symposium on Protected Cultivation, Nettings and Screens for Mild Climates, Athens (Greece), 23-26 September 2024.

M. Gallardo, R.B. Thompson, 2024. VegSyst model and VegSyst-DSS. An overview. 1st International Symposium on Protected Cultivation, Nettings and Screens for Mild Climates, Athens (Greece), 23-26 September 2024.

Karaca C., Aslan G. E., Kurunc A., Bastug R., Buyuktas D. 2024. Impact of irrigation water salinity on stomatal conductance and chlorophyll content index of tomato plants across phenological stages. 7th International Congress on Water, Waste and Energy Management (WWEM24). Lisbon (Portugal), 24-26 July 2024, pp. 23-24.

National congresses and conferences

Cedeño, J., García, M.F., Fernández, M.D., Magán, J.J., Gallardo, M. 2022. Comparación de métodos para determinar la extracción de nutrientes en un cultivo de tomate en invernadero en perlita. Jornadas de Ciencias Hortícolas, Lugo (Spain), 18-20 May 2022.

Nicastro N., Navarro A., Scotto di Covella F., Pane C. 2022. Controllo dell’alternariosi e muffa grigia su pomodoro in coltura protetta con trattamenti a base di laminarina, chitosano e Trichoderma. I Convegno Nazionale Orticoltura e Floricoltura, Pisa (IT), 14-16 june 2022 p.50. ISBN: 978-88-95613-57-4.

Sodini M., Cacini S., Traversari S., Venezia A., Navarro Garcia A., Massa D. 2022. Modelling evapotranspiration of soilless tomato grown with saline water using a simplified Penman–Monteith equation and a machine learning approach. I Convegno Nazionale Orticoltura e Floricoltura, Pisa (IT), 14-16 June p. 29. ISBN: 978-88-95613-57-4.

Nicastro N., Navarro A., Affinito A., Loret N., Scotto di Covella F., Pane C. 2022. Bio-based treatments with laminarin, chitosan and Trichoderma harzianum to prevent alternariosis and grey mold on tomato in Mediterranean greenhouse system XXVII Congress of the Italian Phytopathological Society (SIPaV). Palermo, 21-23 Settembre 2022, p. 1259. In: Abstracts of presentations at the XXVII Congress of the Italian Phytopathological Society (SIPaV) September 21-23, 2022. Palermo, Italy. Journal of Plant Pathology (2022) 104, 1207–1280. p. 1259.

Massa, D., Navarro Garcia, A. 2022. iGUESS-MED, un sistema pionieristico di supporto alle decisioni (DSS) per una gestione sostenibile e competitiva del pomodoro nelle serre del bacino Mediterraneo. 7 October 2022, Firenze, Italy.

Fernández M.D., Céspedes A.J., Magán J.J. 2022. Programación del riego en invernadero mediante la herramienta de Plataforma Tiǝrra. 51 Seminario de Técnicos y Especialistas en Horticultura. Almería (Spain), 14-18 November 2022.

Academic General Assembly Meeting of Agriculture Faculty of Akdeniz University

Büyüktaş, D. 2023. iGUESMED projesi kapsamında yürütülen IOT Tabanlı İklim Kontrolü Yoluyla Verimli Gübreleme Projesi-Türkiye (Efficient Fertilization through IoT-Based Climate Control project carried out within the scope of iGUESMED project-Türkiye). Antalya, Türkiye, 22 March 2023.

Digital Technologies in Agriculture Summit (Tarımda Dijital Teknolojiler Zirvesi).

Karaca, C. 2023. iGUESMED- Akdeniz Bölgesinde Yenilikçi Sera Karar Destek Sistemi: IoT Tabanlı İklim Kontrolü ile Gübreleme ve Sulama Yönetimi (iGUESMED - Innovative Greenhouse Decision Support System for the Mediterranean Region: Fertilization and Irrigation Management with IoT-Based Climate Control), Digital Technologies in Agriculture Summit (Tarımda Dijital Teknolojiler Zirvesi), 9 December 2023, Konya, Turkey.

Laarif, A. and Bouslama, T. 2023. Management of insects and pesticides in vegetable crops: case of greenhouse farming in Central Eastern of Tunisia (in French). National conference on “Pesticides for agricultural use and alternative control methods”. Hammamet (Tunisia), 25-26 April 2023.

Navarro, A., Scotto di Covella, F., Nicastro, N., Di Cesare, C., Venezia, A., Massa, D. 2023. Sensori Sap flow: uno strumento promettente per la stima della traspirazione nelle specie ortofloricole. XIV Giornate Scientifiche SOI. L'ortoflorofrutticoltura per la transizione ecologica. Torino (Itay), 21-23 June 2023. Acta Italus Hortus n. 28, p. 148. ISBN: 978-88-32054-05-7.

Incrocci L., Carmassi, G., Orsini, R., Stravato G., Cela, F. 2023. Comparazione di vari modelli per la stima dell’evapotraspirazione di una coltura fuori suolo di pomodoro cv. Pisanello. XIV Giornate Scientifiche SOI. L'ortoflorofrutticoltura per la transizione ecologica. Torino, 21-23 giugno 2023. Acta Italus Hortus n. 28, p. 326. ISBN: 978-88-32054-05-7.

Cialli, S., Carmassi, G., Orsini, R., Cela, F., Mensuali, A., Incrocci, L. 2023. Sviluppo di un modello per la previsione della biomassa e dell’assorbimento di nutrienti del pomodoro cv. Pisanello in coltura fuori suolo. XIV Giornate Scientifiche SOI. L'ortoflorofrutticoltura per la transizione ecologica. Torino, 21-23 giugno 2023. Acta Italus Hortus n. 28, p. 324-325. ISBN: 978-88-32054-05-7.

Navarro A., Massa D., 2023. Gestione irrigua delle colture orticole in serra tramite monitoraggio del flusso linfatico nello stelo con sensori “sap flow”. In: Galieni, A., Pane, C., Savona, M. (Eds.), Giornate Tecniche SOI - Sensoristica digitale e agromotica in ortoflorofrutticoltura. Società di Ortoflorofrutticoltura Italiana (SOI), Pontecagnano-Faiano (SA), 4-5 ottobre 2023. Acta Italus Hotus 29: 36. ISBN: 978-88-32054-06-4.

Cela, F., Carmassi, G. Cialli, S., Incrocci L. 2023. Calibrazione, validazione e implementazione di un modello di stima della biomassa e dell’assorbimento di nutrienti in pomodoro (cv. Pisanello) In: Galieni, A., Pane, C., Savona, M. (Eds.), Giornate Tecniche SOI - Sensoristica digitale e agromotica in ortoflorofrutticoltura. Società di Ortoflorofrutticoltura Italiana (SOI), Pontecagnano-Faiano (SA), 4-5 ottobre 2023. Acta Italus Hotus 29: 11. ISBN: 978-88-32054-06-4.

Fernández, M.D., Magán, J.J., Céspedes, A., Blaas, A. 2023. Plataforma Tierra: herramienta digital para la elaboración de planes de riego en invernadero. XXXIX Congreso Nacional de Riegos, Úbeda (Spain), 18-20 October 2023.

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This project is part of the PRIMA Programme supported by the European Union. The PRIMA programme is supported under Horizon 2020, the European Union’s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation.

©2025 iGUESSmed

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