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End of Studies

  • Sánchez Martín, F.G. 2022. Medida y simulación de la evapotranspiración de un cultivo de tomate (ETc) en invernadero en el litoral de Almería. End of Degree Project (Agricultural Engineer) in UAL (Spain). Date of Defense: 21 July 2022. Directed by Santiago Bonachela and María Dolores Fernández-Fernández. Qualification: 10 of 10. First Award of the “Cátedra del Agua en Agricultura, Regadío y Agroalimentación 2022” of the Universidad de Almería.


  • Cialli, S. 2022. Sviluppo di un modello di biomassa e di assorbimento di nutrienti per il pomodoro cv. Pisanello a differenti concentrazioni di salinità (in English: Development of a biomass and nutrient uptake model for tomato cv. Pisanello grown at different salinity concentrations). Date of Defense: 12/09/2022. Director: Prof. Luca Incrocci. University of Pisa. Master degree. Graduation grade: (110/110 cum Laude).


  • Stravato, G. 2022. Comparazione di vari modelli per la stima dell’evapotraspirazione di una coltura fuori suolo di pomodoro. (in English: Comparison of various models for estimating the evapotranspiration of a soilless tomato crop). Date of Defense: 12/12/2022. Director: Prof. Luca Incrocci. University of Pisa. Master degree student. Graduation grade: (110/110 cum Laude).


  • Dabbabi, R. 2023. Contribution to the validation of a prediction model for the occurrence of the tomato leafminer Tuta absoluta (Meyrick, 1917) on a tomato crop grown in a greenhouse. Date of Defense: 4 July 2023. Directors: Asma Laarif and Thameur Bouslama. Higher Agronomic Institute of Chott-Mariem (Tunisia). Engineer degree.


  • Mhadhbi, T. 2023. Comparative study of two methods of water requirements calculating for a greenhouse tomato crop. Date of Defense: 5 July 2023. Director: Mohsen Mansour. Higher Agronomic Institute of Chott-Mariem (Tunisia). Engineer degree.

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This project is part of the PRIMA Programme supported by the European Union. The PRIMA programme is supported under Horizon 2020, the European Union’s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation.


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