Training Courses
Training courses held in Italy
Training course of iGUESS-MED project at CREA, Pontecagnano-Faiano (Italy). 12 July 2023
Training course on iGUESS-MED DSS held at the Association of Producer Organizations “C.S.C.” at Fondi (IT). 5 July 2024.
Training courses held in Spain
Use of iGUESS-MED DSS for the irrigation and fertilisation recommendations for greenhouse tomato crops. Anecoop farm, Almería, Spain, 17/05/2023.
Efficient irrigation and fertilization management of greenhouse tomato crops using iGUESS-MED DSS. Las Palmerillas Research Centre, Almería (Spain). 26 March 2024.
Training courses held in Tunisy
Sensors used to optimize irrigation in greenhouses. CRRHAB, Chott-Mariem, Sousse (Tunisia). 2 June 2022
Enhancing Greenhouse Irrigation Management. CRRHAB, Chott-Mariem, Sousse (Tunisia). 16 June 2022
The use of sensors to manage irrigation in greenhouses. CRRHAB, Chott-Mariem, Sousse (Tunisia). 12 December 2022
Training session on iGUESSMED integrated pest management protocols. Gabes (Tunisia). 13 December 2023
Training courses held in Turkey
Irrigation Management in Mediterranean Type Low Technology Greenhouses. Akdeniz University, Antalya (Turkey). 10 August 2023
Introduction of models used for irrigation and fertilization, and presentation of the DSS. Akdeniz University, Antalya (Turkey). 9 august 2024
iGUESS-MED DSS training course. Akdeniz University, Antalya (Turkey). 10.9.2024