Irrigation Management in Mediterranean Type Low Technology Greenhouses. Akdeniz University, Antalya (Turkey). 10 August 2023
As part of the iGuessmed Project, the first training event, coordinated by Assoc. Prof. Cihan KARACA, was held on August 10, 2023, with the participation of 30 undergraduate and graduate students. During the event, comprehensive information about the project was provided, and university greenhouses were visited. In these tours of Mediterranean-type low-tech greenhouses, detailed explanations were given on how irrigation and fertilization practices are carried out and how the amounts of water and fertilizer to be applied are determined. In addition, the sensors and devices used in the project were introduced, and information was provided on how decisions were made regarding irrigation timing and amounts.

He completed his PhD in Agricultural Structures and Irrigation at Akdeniz University. He conducted postdoctoral research at the UAL Crop Nitrogen and Irrigation Lab, University of Almeria in 2023. His work specializes in plant water stress, deficit irrigation, irrigation scheduling, irrigation management, and evapotranspiration modeling.
Prof. Cihan Karaca (Akdeniz University)