Introduction of models used for irrigation and fertilization, and presentation of the DSS. Akdeniz University, Antalya (Turkey). 9 august 2024
As part of the iGuessMED project, the second training event was held on August 9, 2024. The event was attended by 12 undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as technical staff involved in cultivation in the University's research greenhouses. During the training, comprehensive information was provided on the models used for irrigation and fertilization management within the project, and a sample irrigation simulation was conducted using climatic data from inside the greenhouse.

He completed his PhD in Hydrologic Sciences at the University of California, Davis, CA (USA). Since 1991, he has been a faculty member at Akdeniz University, specializing in irrigation scheduling, crop water use, hydrological modeling with WIMS2D/3D (HYDRUS), and drainage systems. His current research focuses on innovative approaches to sustainable water management and optimization of agricultural water resources.
Prof. Dursun Buyuktas (Akdeniz University)